Navigating Planned Gift Stewardship Conversations: A Five-Step Structure
It's our responsibility to keep planned gift donors close to--and feeling valued by--our organizations. These donors welcome connection and they should be approached regularly to ensure their commitments are up to date and correctly revalued. Unfortunately, our stewardship conversations can sometimes become too familiar and shapeless. We should aim to connect purposefully with these valued donors. This session will help you move past pleasantries to organize your planned gift stewardship appointments through a five-step structure that’s deployable across meeting types. Sample language geared toward helping you guide your conversations will be offered for scenarios involving "booked" revocable deferred gifts, "unbookable" revocable deferred gifts and irrevocable deferred gifts.
Author Name
Jason Shuba
CGP Conference
Publication Year
Donor Relations, Program Administration
Document Type
Conference Paper
Career phase
Getting Oriented, Honing Skills, Enhancing Program
Navigating Planned Gift Stewardship Conversations: A Five-Step StructureNavigating Planned Gift Stewardship Conversations: A Five-Step Structure8406 KB
Syllabus 4.03.04
National Standards for Gift Planning Success
Category Resources

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I am looking for an endowed gift agreement that a blended gift donor can make a current gift and then document their estate intentions to pay any remaining balance from their commitment to their estate. ( So that the donor's commitment becomes a liability of the estate rather than a remainder of the estate.) Thank you everyone!