Creating and Implementing Effective Planned Giving Program Policies and Procedures (Phil Purcell)

Gift acceptance policies and procedures are essential for a successful planned giving program.  This breakout session will explain the most important considerations when creating and implementing effective policies and procedures.  Participants will learn essential components to create gift acceptance policies and procedures.  Topics such a planned gift vehicles, assets for gifts, and administrative requirements will be explained.  Attendees will be informed of important considerations when collaborating with others to create gift acceptance policies and procedures. Key constituents include the development staff, board of directors, business office, legal counsel and others.  Finally, attendees will be informed of valuable steps to implement effective policies and procedures.  Sample forms, checklists and other documents will be shared.  Policies and procedures must be more than words on paper - but need to be implemented on a daily basis to be effective for success!

Learning Objectives:
1.  Learn essential components to create gift acceptance policies and procedures.
2.  Understand important considerations when collaborating with others to create gift acceptance policies and procedures.
3.  Consider valuable steps to implement effective policies and procedures.

Author Name
Phil Purcell
National Conference on Philanthropic Planning
Publication Year
Program Administration
Document Type
Career phase
Enhancing Program
Creating and Implementing Effective Planned Giving Program Policies and ProceduresCreating and Implementing Effective Planned Giving Program Policies and Procedures4543 KB
NCPP2017. Syllabus 4.0
National Standards for Gift Planning Success
Category Resources

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