Gift Planner Metrics: Tracking the Numbers that Count (Joe Bull, Josh Birkholz, Erik Daubert, Kathryn Miree)
It’s almost time for your performance review…how are you feeling? Did you meet your goals? Will your boss be pleased with the number of prospects you’ve visited? The number of proposals you’ve submitted? The number of dollars you’ve raised—or might raise in the future? Are you sure the boss ever sees—or understands—the numbers that really count to show what you’ve accomplished? CGP’s Metrics Task force is supporting gift planners by developing best practices for measuring performance (though we understand that numbers will never tell the full story). A select national group of “alpha testers” is contributing data to a system that we hope will answer some of the questions managers should really be asking about gift planners’ work. In this session, you’ll see how we arrived at the numbers we’re tracking, and how we hope those numbers can be used to generate real management information about gift planner effectiveness.
Author Name
Joe Bull
Author 2
Josh Birkholz
Author 3
Kathryn Miree
National Conference on Philanthropic Planning
Publication Year
Program Administration
Document Type
Career phase
Enhancing Program
NCPP2017, Syllabus 4.03
National Standards for Gift Planning Success
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