Robert M. Shafis 1024
Robert M. Shafis
Veritus Group
Job Title
Director of Planned Giving Services
313 South Albert Street
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
United States
Email Address
Robert Shafis has been a successful fundraiser, speaker and attorney for over 30 years. He began working in fundraising with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Foundation, where as Senior Vice President he and his staff raised over $100 million a year for various ministries. He also was Director of Planned Gifts for the National Alzheimer’s Association, and for Alexian Brothers Health System Foundation. As Director of Major Gift Planning at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry, and Director of Major and Planned Giving for The Field Museum, he participated in campaigns of over $200 Million each. Bob has also taught major and planned giving at North Park University, is on the board of NACGP, and is a member of the CAMOTOP Planned Giving Group. He is also a member of NACGP’s Leadership Institute. He was recently Territorial Director of Planned Giving for the Central Territory of The Salvation Army, working with 10 planned giving programs around the Midwest. He is now Director of Planned Giving Services with the Veritus Group. Mr. Shafis has spoken to many national and local groups about planned giving, estate planning, charitable tax issues, and the process of fundraising.
Leadership Institute, Past CGP Board
Robert ShafisRobert ShafisRobert Shafis Photo456 KB
Presentation 1
Title of Presentation 1
CRUT from Alpha to Omega
Presentation Description
We are usually presented with the elements of a Charitable Remainder Unitrust, but only from the perspective of what happens while setting it up. This presentation takes us through the creation, initial operation, long term gift management, and termination of a CRUT.
Presentation 2
Title of Presentation 2
My CGA Donor is a Zombie: Donors who outlive their life expectancy and alternative strategies
Presentation Description
CGAs have been a mainstay for planned giving programs for almost a century. A deeper look at how a CGA works, what it costs, and how serving the donor while assuring the charity is protected reveals some surprising details.
Presentation 3
Title of Presentation 3
When Worlds Collide: Real Estate Crashing into CRTs and CGAs
Presentation Description
Real estate is often the best asset for a donor to use to fund a large planned gift. What are the basics of real estate, how is it owned, and what planned gifts work best for this type of gift? This presentation discusses those issues, as well as how the charity can protect itself with good gift acceptance policies and procedures.
Presentation Topic Areas
Gift Design, Administration, Integrated Planning, Other
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Willing to discuss ideas and needs from any council about other desired presentation subjects.
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