National Jewish Health
Job Title
Associate Vice President for Development, Planned Giving
1400 Jackson St. S735
Denver, CO 80206
United States
Denver, CO 80206
United States
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Gordon was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Before going into planned giving, Gordon worked as a financial consultant, where he got his experience in estate planning, business succession planning, insurance, and investment management. This provided a wonderful springboard to planned giving and the work he does for National Jewish Health where he has been since September of 1995. As the Associate Vice President for Development, Planned Gifts, Gordon is responsible for planned gifts. This includes cultivating relationship from marketing to stewardship with expertise in the areas of charitable trusts, gift annuities, bequests and gifts of complex assets with supporters of National Jewish throughout the country. Gordon has been a long time member of The Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable, serving first on the CPGR Board in 2001 and again in 2011. He was the Chair of the Membership Committee from 2001 to 2010, and has been important to the Mentor program, Technical Series and Outreach. He was the inaugural recipient of the CPGR Volunteer of the Year Award in 2005. Presentation Topics Include: 1. Advanced Planned Gifts for Optimal Impact 2. Bequests-Lets dig deeper! 3. Blended Gifts - Making the Most of This Workhorse for Major & Planned Gift Officers 4. Planned Gift Marketing - The Basics 5. The ABC’s of CGA’s
Leadership Institute, Past CGP Board
Presentation 1
Title of Presentation 1
Advanced Planned Gifts for Optimal Impact- Donor centric fundraising geared to successfully approach your Board and top Donors
Presentation Description
Understanding your top donor’s perspective and approaching them on their level and within their timeline is critical to success. This presentation will explore elements of Blended Giving and how to present to your best prospects.
Presentation 2
Title of Presentation 2
ABC’s of CGA’s
Presentation Description
Understand enough about Charitable Gift Annuities to explain them well without needing to become an expert. Gain confidence that you could answer a donor asking questions like, “why is some of my payout tax free?”
Presentation 3
Title of Presentation 3
Bequests-Lets dig deeper!
Presentation Description
Bequests represent at least 80% of all planned gifts and are the foundation to any and all planned giving programs. Whether you’re a one person shop or support a large multifaceted program, understanding bequest giving is critical to your success. This presentation will explore most of the different types of bequests and especially those that are most likely to provide the greatest benefit to your organization.
Presentation Topic Areas
Gift Design, Integrated Planning
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