Ronald A Brown 707
Ronald A Brown
Gift Planning
Job Title
Speaker, researcher, writer
145 Hicks Street
Apt A30
Brooklyn, NY 11201
United States
Email Address
Ron Brown has been a charitable gift planner for 40 years, including 15 years as director of gift planning at Princeton University, his alma mater. The Philanthropic Planning Group of Greater New York presented him with an award for distinguished service in 2019. He became a professional historian more than 30 years ago while serving as a Reservist with the US Naval Historical Center, where he received two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals for historical writing and research. Ron wrote A History of Charitable Gift Planning (Amazon 2017). He adds content from time to time on his website at and has written many articles for Planned Giving Today, Planned Giving Design Center, Taxwise Giving and other publications. He is a frequent presenter at gift planning meetings and conferences.
Past CGP Board, CGP Conference Speaker
Other Position
Ron has served on the boards of the American Council on Gift Annuities and the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (formerly NCPG).
Ron Brown portraitRon Brown portraitNew description4659 KB
Presentation 1
Title of Presentation 1
America is a Given Place
Presentation Description
Where do charitable gift planners, fund raisers, trust officers, attorneys and financial advisors turn for knowledge of events that shape their work today? In a convenient new webinar entitled America is a Given Place you will learn the deepest original foundations of gift planning in the U.S. by seeing major events, appreciating important innovations, and re-enacting landmark national debates and resulting legislation. Now you can see how gift planning through charitable bequests, trusts, annuities, and gifts of complex assets began with America’s first colonists, flourished in the newborn United States, and took shape through important Supreme Court decisions, federal legislation, and the founding of the American Council on Gift Annuities and the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners. America is a Given Place includes a 53-minute professionally recorded presentation with 50+ slides, a substantial outline and bibliography. If your organization can arrange a Zoom session, I will share the presentation from my screen and participate in a live introduction and Q&A. Webinars may be recorded & maintained on an organization’s website. See a preview at:
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
Presentation Topic Areas
Gift Design, Current Events, Marketing/Cultivation, Ethics, Case Studies, Administration, Public Awareness Program
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If you are not a current CGP Board member, please include information about your fee.
Thanks to an agreement with NACGP, gift planning councils can bring the webinar to meetings and conferences free of charge. There is a nominal fee of $250 for other nonprofit organizations and $500 for for-profit firms.
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