Significance Ventures
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Christy Butler Eckoff is responsible for the Foundation’s comprehensive planned and major giving programs, Nonprofit Advantage Fund investment vehicle, asset-based giving, legal issues pertaining to charitable tax planning, funds, and agreements, legislative issues and business development. Christy works and is an expert on legislative changes and laws surrounding private foundations, supporting organizations, donor-advised funds, and nonprofit taxation. Christy has participated in Foundations on the Hill. Previously, Christy served as senior director of gift planning at Georgia State University. She is past-president of the Georgia Planned Giving Council, past-president of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Atlanta chapter and a member of the Atlanta Estate Planning Council, North Carolina bar and the Junior League of Atlanta. Christy is a board member of AdNet (the Advancement Network for Community Foundations) and the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners. Christy graduated from Duke University, earned her J.D. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and LL.M. in Taxation at the University of Washington. Christy is a CFRE Certified Fundraising Executive and a CAP® Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy.
CGP Conference Speaker, Past CGP Board
Presentation 1
Title of Presentation 1
Everything you wanted to know about private foundations, Supporting organizations and donor-advised funds
Presentation Description
How to work with private foundations, Supporting organizations and donor-advised funds. What they can and can't do. What are the similarities and differences. Why would someone choose one over the other. How do they work together.
Presentation 2
Title of Presentation 2
What The Tax....
Presentation Description
This session will explore the major changes in tax law that will effect charitable giving. Learn more about how the new tax laws could impact your work, and how to answer come common questions from your donors. We’ll also cover tactics to help your donors maximize their tax benefits under the new laws and what the back office can do to ensure stewardship and recognition of donors who utilize new ways of giving under the tax act.
Presentation 3
Title of Presentation 3
Navigating Family Philanthropy Trends and Transitions
Presentation Description
Summary: Family foundations and funds serve two purposes – to fulfill a philanthropic mission and to keep family members connected to each other and family legacy. Fulfilling those intertwined purposes isn’t easy over time. Families’ goals inevitably evolve. And, initial decisions about giving vehicles, governance, family engagement, and operations often aren’t useful as new generations emerge.
Advisors of all types can help families more effectively prepare for, and be resilient through, those trends and changes. Community foundations are often a creative partner to other CAP® designees in that preparation. This discussion and interactive case study will provide context, effective practices, and real-life lessons learned to help you better meet your clients’ goals for multi-branch and multi-generation generosity.
Presentation Topic Areas
Gift Design, Current Events, Marketing/Cultivation, Case Studies, Administration, Integrated Planning
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National Standards for Gift Planning Success
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